From Cell To Organism Question Preview (ID: 36030)

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During__________ the nucleus divides.
a) DNA Replication
b) interphase
c) cytokinesis
d) mitosis

The process by which cells become specialized is called___
a) Cell differentiation
b) cell division
c) cell metamorphosis
d) mitosis

The cell spends most of its life in this phase
a) interphase
b) mitosis
c) cytokinesis
d) anaphase

Animal cells do not have_______
a) centrioles
b) ceentromeres
c) chromosomes
d) cell plate

What is the first thing that happens when a new cell is produced?
a) it divides again
b) it shrinks
c) it grows
d) it takes a break

epithelial, muscle, nervous, and connective are examples of ______ in animals
a) organs
b) cells
c) tissue
d) organ systems

This type of tissue is responsible for reducing water loss in plants
a) dermal
b) vascular
c) ground
d) circulatory

_________ tissue transports water and nutrients in plant cells
a) dermal
b) vascular
c) ground
d) epithelial

Specialized cells are organized into_______
a) tissue
b) organs
c) organ sytems
d) organisms

A collection of organs working together is called a ____
a) specilaized cell
b) organism
c) tissue
d) organ system

Organ systems working together are called_______.
a) tissue
b) organisms
c) cells
d) bacteria

A large animal, like an elephant is made up of, _____ cells
a) trillions
b) millions
c) zillions
d) thousands

In a _________ organism, the single cell performs all funtions necessary for life.
a) unicellular
b) multicellular
c) homo sapiens
d) many celled

If a cell has 10 duplicates chromosomes, how many chromatids does it have?
a) 10
b) 5
c) 20
d) 30

Which of the following functions can a unicellular organisme perform?
a) eat
b) reproduce
c) eliminate waste
d) all of the above

A duplicated chromosome is held together
a) centrioles
b) glue
c) cetromere
d) tissue

___________ are geneticaly identical structures found on a duplicated chromosome
a) spindle fibers
b) centrioles
c) chromatin
d) chromatids

Loose strands of DNA found in the nucleus
a) chromosome
b) chromatin
c) chromatid
d) protein

DNA Replication occurs during
a) Interphase
b) Mitosis
c) Cytokinesis
d) Mitotic Phase

Chromosomes line up in the middle during
a) prohase
b) anaphase
c) metaphase
d) telophase

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