Review Check 5- Earth In The Solar System Question Preview (ID: 35930)

Earth In The Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What factors of a location depend on how far north or South that location is from the Equator?
a) The number of hours of daylight
b) the intensity of sunlight
c) Both the number of hours of daylight and the intensity of sunlight
d) Neither the number of hours of delight nor the intensity of sunlight

Why does the same side of the moon always face Earth
a) The Earth and Moon stay in one place at all times
b) The Moon's period of rotation is the exact same as its period of revolution
c) The moon neither revolves nor rotates.
d) Earth neither revolves or rotates

What role do the Sun and Moon play in influencing Earth's tides?
a) The Sun and Moon often collide which creates an eruption that causes the tides.
b) The Sun and Moon shine light on the water causing the tides to move
c) Both the Sun and the Moon send out sound waves that travel through space and move the tides
d) The Sun and Moon both exert a gravitational pull that influences the tides.

How are eclipses predicted?
a) by observing the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
b) by observing the distance between the Earth, Sun, and Moon
c) by measuring the intensity of sunlight
d) by the presence of comets passing through the solar system

How do the 8 planets of the solar system move around the Sun?
a) in perfect circles around the Sun
b) in a straight line right through the Sun
c) in elliptical orbits around the Sun
d) The planets of the solar system remain stationery, not moving at all.

What role does the Sun play in holding all objects in the solar system in orbit.
a) it emits electromagnetic waves which hold all objects in orbit
b) It exerts a gravitational pull that holds all objects in orbit.
c) it emits heat which holds all objects in orbit
d) It pushes all planets further away from itself so that they can stay in orbit.

Why do planets revolve around the Sun with known frequencies?
a) because of the Sun's gravitational pull
b) Because of the Sun's emission of electromagnetic waves
c) Because of the Sun's emission of heat
d) Because each planet has adopted a calendar that determines its journey around the Sun

What factors make it possible for Earth to be the only planet in the solar system that supports life?
a) Earth is the only planet that has a greenhouse effect
b) Earth has a moon which helps it to stay in orbit whereas no other planets have a moon
c) liquid water, a breatheable atmosphere, and a suitable amount of sunshine
d) Earth is the only planet that has water

Why was the International Space Station built?
a) To allow space to be studied continually
b) to prevent electromagnetic radiation from reaching Earth
c) to create a defense system against invaders from other planets
d) to escape the stress and pressures of everyday life on Earth

How did space exploration contribute to improved technological advances on Earth?
a) Many of our modern conveniences like microwaves and handheld calculators were were found during our trips to the Sun
b) Many of our modern conveniences like microwaves and handheld calculators were originally found during our trips to the Moon
c) Many of our modern conveniences like microwaves and handheld calculators were fond when we landed on Mars
d) Many of our modern conveniences were originally made for use in the space program.

Why was the Hubble Telescope built?
a) so we learn more about the uniqueness of Sun and its place in our solar system and the universe
b) so we could learn more about the uniqueness of Earth and its place in our solar system and universe
c) so we could learn more about the uniqueness of the asteroid belt and its place in our solar system and universe
d) so we could learn more about the uniqueness of Pluto and its place in our solar system and universe

How has the Chandra X-ray observatory enhanced our knowledge of the structure and evolution of our universe?
a) it helped us to understand how The Sun itself is also a planet not too different from Earth
b) it helped us to understand how the Moon's light provides energy to all living things on Earth
c) it has furthered our understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe through studying exotic environments
d) it has furthered our understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe through studying ordinary environments

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