Light Question Preview (ID: 35818)

Light As An Energy Source And The Visible Spectrum. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Large electrical charges of energy the build up in clouds can cause__________.
a) electromagnetic spectrum
b) lightning
c) Blue light
d) Light

Air can get very hot up to 20,000 degrees.
a) True
b) False

Light travels in _______________.
a) frequency
b) waves
c) wavelength
d) an arc

Light is most commonly created by extreme __________.
a) Cold
b) Pressure
c) Heat
d) weather

The sun and the wick of a burning candle are examples of objects that are so hot they create _______.
a) a blue color
b) light
c) darkness
d) a hot-dog

Light can travel around the world ____ times in one second.
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10

Light is one million times faster than ___________.
a) Sound
b) Radio Waves
c) X-rays
d) purple waves

Light is a vital form of energy.
a) True
b) False

Solar panels are good for the environment because they generate pollution and are powered by a nonrenewable resource.
a) True
b) False

Solar Panels convert light energy into _______ energy
a) Solar
b) Electrical
c) Mechanical
d) Potential

Light waves move up and down this type of wave is called a ___________ wave.
a) convex
b) transverse
c) bent
d) silly

The bottom of a light wave is called a ________
a) trough
b) crest
c) wavelength

The top of a light wave is called a ________
a) trough
b) crest
c) wavelength

The length of a light wave is the distance between two _____crests or two ______trhoughs
a) crest, trough
b) crest, wave
c) trough, wavelenth

When the wavelength gets shorter the frequency ________.
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays the same

When the wavelength gets longer, the frequency _______
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays the same

Red has the longest wavelength and violent has the shortest.
a) True
b) False

_______ is a combination of all of the colors
a) Blue
b) Black
c) White
d) Grey

When we see a black shirt it is because it is reflecting all of the colors.
a) True
b) False

A banana is absorbing all of the colors except ________.
a) Blue
b) Orange
c) Yellow

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