Industry APHG Question Preview (ID: 35683)
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The new international division of labor reflects the growing importance of
a) new infrastructure
b) just in time delivery
c) outsourcing
d) vertical integration
In contrast to Fordist production, Post-Fordist production is more likely to
a) introduce more flexible work rules
b) require larger inventories of parts and components.
c) dominate transnational corporations
d) assign each worker one task.)
Maintaining control over all phases of a highly complex production process is known as
a) the new international division of labor
b) convergence
c) vertical integration
d) right to work
Steel production has declined during 1980-2008 most rapidly in
a) US
b) Japan
c) Germany
d) France
The U.S. Gulf Coast has become an important industrial area because of
a) sea food processing
b) just in time delivery
c) access to oil and natural gas
d) proximity to markets
Which of these industries is most dependent on low-cost labor?
a) automobiles
b) textiles
c) fabricated machines
d) steel
Significant site factors include all but which of the following?
a) transportation
b) labor
c) land
d) capital
Beer bottling is an example of a
a) bullk-gaining industry
b) specialized industry
c) perishable industry,
d) labor intensive industry
A company which uses more than one mode of transport will often locate near
a) consumers
b) suburbs
c) break-of-bulk points
d) energy supplies
Metal fabrication plants are an example of a bulk-gaining industry because
a) the mills are near the mines
b) parts suppliers package shipments in bulk containers
c) parts suppliers supply components with just-in-time management
d) separate parts are combined to make more complex and massive products
The shift in steel production locations in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century can best be described as
a) ancillary activities,
b) basic sector services
c) quinary services
d) footloose industries
Economic activities that increase and thereby benefit from agglomerations in particular regions are called
a) starting in the Midwest and then migrating towards Pittsburgh before ending up on the East and West coast
b) starting in the Pittsburgh area and then migrating towards the Midwest before ending up on the East and West coast.,
c) starting on the East and West coast and then migrating towards Pittsburgh before ending in the Midwest
d) starting on the East and West coast and then migrating towards Pittsburgh before ending in the Midwest
What mining region has the most varied mineral deposits of the world, with over 1,000 minerals?
a) Urals
b) Tibet
c) Andes
d) South Africa
Canada's most important industrial area is
a) St. Lawrence River Valley and Ontario
b) US border of Saskatchawan
c) sea ports of Nova Scotia
d) northern shore of Lake
Proximity to Russian consumers is the most significant industrial asset of which region?
a) Volga
b) Urals
c) Silesia
d) Moscow
Today, the most significant industrial asset of the Western Great Lakes region is its
a) access to the nation's transportation network
b) cheap migrant labor
c) cheap migrant labor
d) large market area
Western Europe's principal industrial areas include all but which of the following?
a) Rhine Ruhr
b) United Kingdom
c) Mid Rhine
d) Portugal
The cottage industry system involved manufacturing
a) in the home
b) of steam engines
c) hand made luxory items
d) in small factories
The Industrial Revolution began in
a) Britain
b) France
c) Germany
d) US
Approximately three-fourths of the world's industrial production is concentrated in four regions. Which of the following is not one of these four regions
a) East Asia
b) Eastern North America,
c) Eastern South America
d) Eastern Europe
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