Evolution, Speciation, And Classification Question Preview (ID: 35627)

Covering The Ideas Of Darwin, Speciation, And Cladograms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When lions prey on a herd of antilopes, some antelopes are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwin's concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?
a) a) descent with modification
b) b) reproductive isolation
c) c) acquired characteristics
d) d) survival of the fittest

Darwin noticed that many organisms seemed well suited to
a) a) swimming from South America to Galapagos Islands
b) b) surviving the environment they inhabited
c) c) providing humans with food
d) d) being preserved as fossils

When a farmer breeds only his or her best livestock, the process involved is
a) a) survival of the fittest
b) b) artificial variation
c) c) natural selection
d) d) artificial selection

What is the movement of genes into and out of a population called?
a) a) Genetic Drift
b) b) Natural Selection
c) c) Mutation
d) d) Gene Flow

Mutations occur because of ______.
a) a) change in allele or genotype frequencies
b) b) the introduction of new variations through mistakes in DNA replication
c) c) the chance survival and reproduction of new variations
d) d) the introduction of new variations from elsewhere

According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their environment. Their survival is due to the
a) a) possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness
b) b) lack of competition within species
c) c) possession of adaptations developed through use
d) d) choices made by plant and animals breeders

Which list shows the words in correct order from simplest to most complex?
a) a) organism, species, population
b) b) population, species, organism
c) c) species, organism, population
d) d) species, population, organism

The formation of a new species as a result of evolution is called ?
a) a) speciation
b) b) natural selection
c) c) survival of the fittest
d) d) adaptation

The process in which populations gradually change over time in called?
a) a) selective breeding
b) b) inherited variation
c) c) heredity
d) d) evolution

Characteristics that help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment are called?
a) a) traits
b) b) genes
c) c) adaptations
d) d) selective breeding

What is one of the main ways that a new species forms?
a) a) competition between members of the species
b) b) a group is separated from the rest of the species
c) c) cross-breeding occurs within the species
d) d) mutations occur in members of the species and kill them

Differences between members of the same species are called?
a) a) variations
b) b) selections
c) c) adaptation
d) d) traits

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