Chapter 11 Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 35548)

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What is wind energy?
a) power from moving water
b) power from heat inside Earth
c) power from moving wind
d) power from the sun

What is solar energy?
a) power from moving water
b) power from moving wind
c) power from the sun
d) power from heat inside Earth

What are two advantages of geothermal energy?
a) it is easy to get and is always available
b) It is available everywhere and is renewable
c) It is renewable and it does not pollute
d) It is available everywhere and it doesn’t pollute

What are two advantages of hydroelectric power?
a) it is easy to get and is always available
b) It is available everywhere and is renewable
c) It is renewable and it does not pollute
d) It is available everywhere and it doesn’t pollute

What are two advantages of wind energy?
a) it is easy to get and is always available
b) It is available everywhere and is renewable
c) It is renewable and it does not pollute
d) It is available everywhere and it doesn’t pollute

What are two advantages of solar energy?
a) it is easy to get and is always available 24 hours a day
b) It is available 24 hours a day and is renewable
c) It is renewable and it does not pollute
d) It is inexpensive and it doesn’t pollute

What is a disadvantage of geothermal power?
a) It isn’t available everywhere
b) It isn’t renewable
c) It pollutes
d) It harms animal habitats

What are two disadvantages of hydroelectric power?
a) It isn’t available everywhere and it harms animal habitats
b) It isn’t renewable and it harms animal habitats
c) It pollutes and it harms animal habitats
d) It isn’t available everywhere and it pollutes

What are disadvantages of wind energy?
a) It pollutes
b) It isn’t renewable
c) it isn't available everywhere
d) It harms animal habitats

What are two disadvantages of solar energy?
a) It isn’t always available and it pollutes
b) It pollutes and harms animal habitats
c) It is expensive and not available everywhere
d) It is expensive and not very efficient

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