Unit 3B Question Preview (ID: 35112)

Signing Naturally - Unit 3B. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which way should your palm be facing when signing the numbers 30, 40, 50, 60?
a) Forward
b) Toward yourself
c) Down
d) Up

For multiples of 11, from 22-99, which way should your palm be facing?
a) Forward
b) Toward yourself
c) Up
d) Down

In an ASL conversation, if you give a one-word response, the other person might think you are all of the following EXCEPT…
a) You are rude
b) You are not interested
c) You can’t be bothered
d) You are happy to be in the conversation

It is common to find deaf dogs from which breed?
a) Dalmatian
b) Rottweiler
c) Beagle
d) Poodle

Which number range can be incorporated into the ASL sign for MINUTE?
a) 1-5 only
b) 1-9 only
c) 1-10
d) 1-60

Which number range can be incorporated into the ASL sign for HOUR?
a) 1-5 only
b) 1-9 only
c) 1-10
d) 1-24

This Deaf sculptor from the Bay area of California was an activist for the rights and well-being of Deaf people.
a) Douglas Tilden
b) Granville Redmond
c) Regina Olson Hughes
d) Chuck Baird

Developing spatial awareness of your environment is called ___________________.
a) Real-world Orientation
b) Noun-Verb pairs
c) Contrastive Structure
d) Topic-Comment structure

When asking a “which” question and shifting your shoulders, it is called _______________.
a) Contrastive Structure
b) Real-world Orientation
c) Noun-Verb pairs
d) Spatial Agreement

Which component is different for the ASL signs for COUSIN (male, female, general)?
a) Handshape
b) Location
c) Movement
d) Palm Orientation

Which component is different for the ASL signs for ROOMMATES and MACHINE?
a) Handshape
b) Location
c) Movement
d) Palm Orientation

Which component is different for the ASL signs for SUFFER and PATIENT?
a) Handshape
b) Location
c) Nonmanual Markers
d) Palm Orientation

Which component is different for the ASL signs for SLOW and LONG?
a) Handshape
b) Location
c) Movement
d) Palm Orientation

The ASL sign for SISTER is a compound sign made up of which signs?
a) GIRL and SAME
b) GIRL and BABY
c) BOY and SAME
d) BOY and BABY

The ASL sign for BROTHER is a compound sign made up of which signs?
a) GIRL and SAME
b) GIRL and BABY
c) BOY and SAME
d) BOY and BABY

The ASL sign for DAUGHTER is a compound sign made up of which signs?
a) GIRL and SAME
b) GIRL and BABY
c) BOY and SAME
d) BOY and BABY

Which of the following is NOT part of the sequence when describing a pet?
a) Tell what kind of pet.
b) Indicate its size.
c) Describe what it looks like.
d) Tell where you got it.

When modifying verbs to show agreement with the locations, it is called __________.
a) Spatial Agreement
b) Noun-Verb Agreement
c) Contrastive Agreement
d) Topic-Comment Agreement

Which of the following is NOT part of a Deaf-friendly environment?
a) Fewer walls
b) Appropriate lighting
c) Wider walkways
d) Fewer windows

Which of these is considered inconsiderate when in the presence of Deaf people?
a) Speaking without signing
b) Using your signs without voice
c) Relaying messages between Deaf and hearing people
d) Asking for repetition if you don’t understand fingerspelling

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