Flowering Plants Question Preview (ID: 35104)

6.L.1.1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When are stomata usually open?
a) At night
b) When their jogging
c) During the day
d) When a plant is losing too much water.

Where does photosynthesis take place?
a) Vacuole
b) Mitochondrion
c) Water
d) Chloroplast

Small openings on a leaf re called
a) Pores
b) Sepal
c) Stomata
d) Holes

Why are a flowers petals colorful?
a) Attract Sunlight
b) Attract Pollinators
c) Attract humans
d) None of these

What anchors the plant to the ground?
a) Leaves
b) Roots
c) Petals
d) Guard Cells

Which of the following are the male reproductive organs?
a) Anther and filament
b) Style, Stigma, and filament
c) Ovary and OVule
d) None of these

What is something that moves pollen from the male parts?
a) Termite
b) Pollinator
c) Terminator
d) Politician

In what part of the leaf does photosynthesis occur?
a) Epidermis
b) Cuticle
c) Guard Cells
d) Palisade

Which of the following are not pollinators?
a) Wind
b) vulture
c) Bee
d) Humingbird

Which of the following are not considered female plant parts.
a) Style
b) Stigma
c) Ovary
d) Anther

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