8.10A Convection Currents Question Preview (ID: 35101)
A Review Of Conduction, Convection And Radiation, And How Convection Effects Air And Ocean Currents.
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What causes earths weather?
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) the rotation of the earth
Define conduction
a) when warm air rises and cold air sinks
b) when heat is transfered through waves like when we get energy from the sun
c) When heat is transferred through two things touching.
d) When heat moves through water
How do we get energy from the sun
a) Radiation
b) conduction
c) Convection
d) Thermal
Pressure ALWAYS goes from
a) Low to high
b) High to Low
c) settles in the middle between high and low
d) Air does not travel
Why does hot air always rise
a) It has less volume
b) It is more dense
c) It is less dense
d) Gravity does not effect it
Where is the hottest part of the earth always?
a) The equator
b) The North Pole
c) The South Pole
d) The earth is evenly heated
Describe how water currents move around the earth
a) Cold air from the poles turns to ice and stays there making the polar caps bigger every year.
b) Cold air from the poles moves toward the equator and stays there making the countries near the equator sink into the ocean
c) Oceans do not move around the earth
d) Hot water from the equator moves up to the poles and cold water from the poles moves down to the equator.
Why does cold air always sink
a) It is less dense
b) It is more dense
c) It has more volume
d) It does not, it rises
Why is the equator hotter than other parts of the world
a) It is not, all of the earth is heated evenly
b) It is the fattest part of the earth
c) It receives more direct sunlight
d) It is not, it is the coldest part
Why are the poles the coldest part of the earth
a) They receive the least sunlgith
b) They are not colder, all of the earth is heated evenly
c) They are the thinnest parts of the earth
d) They are rotating faster which makes them windy
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