Solar System Pt 2 - Inner Planets Gr 5 Question Preview (ID: 34848)

Solar System - Inner Planets Gr 5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

______________ is the smallest planet, closest to the Sun, and moves fastest around the Sun.
a) Mercury
b) Mars
c) Earth
d) Venus

Venus ________________
a) is about 1/3 the size of Earth.
b) is the hottest planet in the solar system.
c) is closest to the Sun.
d) has the largest volcano in the solar system

Earth has an atmosphere that is 78% _______________
a) oxygen
b) various gases
c) nitrogen
d) carbon dioxide

The red color of Mars come from _________________.
a) the largest volcano in the solar system called Olympus Mons.
b) 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases
c) being 1/3 the size of Earth
d) the iron in the soil.

The only inner planet that rotates clockwise is ______________.
a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Earth
d) Mars

_____________ is 1 AU (93,000,000 miles) from the Sun
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Mercury
d) Mars

___________________ moves fastest around the Sun.
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Mars
d) Mercury

The planet closest to Earth is _________________
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Mercury

The planet that moves fastest around the Sun is also __________________.
a) the only inner planet that rotates clockwise
b) closest to the Sun
c) the only planet with known life
d) the planet with the largest volcano in the solar system

The hottest planet is the solar system is _________________.
a) the closest to the Sun
b) Mercury
c) the planet that moves fastest around the Sun
d) also the closest planet to Earth

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