Career Management STUDY TEST 1 Question Preview (ID: 34713)

Career Management STUDY TEST 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Natural or acquired talent or ability describes a person’s:
a) aptitude
b) morals
c) values
d) temperament

The results of an interest inventory reveal:
a) Lifestyle preferences
b) That the inventory is not reliable
c) Skills required for a job
d) How interests match careers

An aptitude test can show that a person
a) has a good attitude
b) is skilled in the use of hes/her hands
c) likes to work with people
d) values leisure time

Someone who likes to draw or build things probably has which kind of learning preference?
a) spatial
b) kinesthetic
c) logical
d) linguistic

A person who learns best by making categories, classifying, and working with patterns, and also likes to do experiments, has which dominate learning preference?
a) logical/mathematical
b) body/kinesthetic
c) musical
d) spatial

Natural or acquired skills or talents describe a person’s:
a) goals
b) abilities
c) values
d) standards

Which is an aptitude?
a) loyalty
b) humor
c) dexterity
d) kindness

Those that learn best by pursuing interests through an individual pace have which learning preference?
a) musical
b) logical
c) kinesthetic
d) intrapersonal

What might an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score suggest about an individual’s career goal?
a) A person with a 130 IQ can perform well in any career.
b) A person should only choose careers as suggested by his/her IQ test results
c) A person should not consider IQ in choosing a career.
d) An IQ can give a good indication of success in occupational groups.

Why is consensus important?
a) it causes resentment on part of some group members
b) group communication is weakened
c) group members can support a decision and move forward
d) it allows part of the group to move forward

Which represents ethical behavior in the workplace?
a) Replacing money that you took out of the cash drawer
b) Reporting a co-worker who is stealing merchandise
c) Taking a one-hour lunch instead of 30 minutes when the boss is away
d) Deliberately shipping damaged goods to a customer

When a conflict arises between two co-workers, the best solution is to:
a) Communicate with the co-worker to seek a solution
b) Avoid the co-worker all together
c) Fight it out with the co-worker after work
d) o directly to the supervisor without first discussing the problem

When speaking to someone at work about a conflict:
a) Use you messages
b) Talk to him/her in front of other people
c) Try to embarrass him/her
d) Use I messages.

Nodding when a speaker says something that is agreeable is an example of:
a) skimming
b) active listening
c) inflection
d) organizing an oral message

Which is a benefit of conflict?
a) Relationships are weakened
b) Differences are often settled
c) Workplace injuries are prevented.
d) Stress is caused

Turning a conflict over to a third party when those involved cannot agree on a solution is:
a) etiquette
b) evaluation
c) arbitration
d) creative thinking

The words TO, FROM, DATE and SUBJECT appear in the heading of a
a) good-news letter
b) memorandum
c) table of contents
d) business letter

Which written document is usually very brief and resembles a memo?
a) e-mail message
b) letter of application
c) performance evaluation
d) word processing document

During adolescence, a main concern should be
a) Establishing career goals
b) retiring
c) providing childcare
d) Getting married

Who is primarily responsible for day-to-day safety in the workplace?
a) the owner of the company
b) shift supervisors
c) team leaders
d) everyone in the workplace

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