Global Game12345 Question Preview (ID: 34450)

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China under the Han dynasty and the Roman Empire were similar in that both grew wealthy because they
a) Encouraged democratic ideals
b) Developed extensive trade networks
c) Created classless societies
d) Were cool

The term Empire is best defined as
a) A government ruled by the consent of people
b) An extensive territory under the rule of a single authority
c) A country that requires conquered people to assimilate
d) A political unit that has a common religious fate

The code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tablets were designed to...
a) Create a stable society
b) Provide a framework for the development of democracy
c) Emphasize the importance of life after death
d) Promote peaceful relations with other cultures

The ancient Athenians are created with
a) Inventing and using the wheel
b) Eliminating slavery
c) Establishing governments that had democratic elements
d) Inventing the printing press

One effect of rugged, mountainous geography on the civiliations of ancient Greece was the development of
a) extensive trade with the Persians
b) seprate, independent city- states
c) belief in one god
d) absolute monarchies

Which society practiced democracy
a) Early Egypt
b) ancient Athens
c) Gupta Empire
d) Dynastic China

Which religion is polytheistic
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Hinduism

Which religion is monotheistic
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
c) Buddhism
d) Shintoism

Which is an opinion rather than a fact
a) Athens looked better than Sparta
b) Sparta had a militaristic polis
c) Many adults in Athens didn't have the right to vote
d) Plato was a Greek philosopher

How did geography influence ancient Greece
a) It made people more happy
b) Increased Agriculture due to rich farmland
c) Encouraged seafaring trade
d) Encouraged a new religion

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