Global Review Question Preview (ID: 34372)
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Which social scientist primarily studies how people change resources into goods and services?
a) archaeologist
b) economist
c) psychologist
d) sociologist
Which Neolithic Revolution development led to the other three?
a) domestication of plants and animals
b) division of labor
c) surplus of food
d) complex civilizations
Before towns and cities can develop in a society, the society needs to establish
a) an educational system
b) a democratic government
c) a writing system
d) an agricultural surplus
In which region did China’s earliest civilizations develop?
a) Gobi Desert
b) Yellow River Valley
c) Himalaya Mountains
d) Tibetan Plateau
Where did Mary Leakey discover early fossils?
a) Yellow River Valley
b) Indus River Valley
c) Great Rift Valley
d) Himalaya Mountains
Ethnocentrism can best be defined as
a) belief in one god
b) belief that ones culture is superior to others
c) military prep for a civil war
d) none of the above
Which of the following religions are NOT monotheistic
a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Judaism
d) Hinduism
a) san
b) asknd
c) ll;
d) wdk
a) sfk
b) sf
c) klsdsdsk
d) sknf
a) asknd
b) ssahd
c) nnn
d) dshh
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