Science Interim Assessment 2 Review Question Preview (ID: 34193)

Reviews Force, Motion, Forms Of Energy, Circuits, And Scientific Process. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A toy car travels down a ramp covered in sandpaper slowly. What was it about the surface of the ramp that caused the car to move slowly?
a) Smoothness
b) Roughness
c) Length
d) Slope

Which of the following experiments would test the effect of gravity on an object?
a) Timing how long it takes to run across a field
b) Rubbing two balloons together
c) Dropping an object from different heights
d) Using a magnet to attract iron objects

What form of energy causes water to boil?
a) Sound
b) Mechanical
c) Light
d) Thermal

Which of the following coverts electrical energy into sound energy?
a) Radio
b) Refrigerator
c) Lamp
d) Air conditioner

Kevin wants to build a circuit. He has copper wire and a light bulb. What does he still need to complete his circuit?
a) A way to measure how bright the light is
b) An insulator
c) A source of energy
d) Nothing. He has everything he needs.

Jen rolls a ball down a ramp covered in different surfaces. She observes that the ball rolls slower on the ramp covered with carpet than it does on the ramp covered with plastic. Why is this true?
a) The mass of the ball increased on the carpet
b) The carpet produces more friction
c) The amount of gravity increased
d) The ramp changed sizes

Why do scientists perform experiments more than once?
a) To increase the reliability of the results
b) To have more work
c) To have more to write down
d) Because it's fun

Lisa turns the doorknob to open the classroom door. What kind of energy is she using?
a) Light
b) Thermal
c) Mechanical
d) Sound

Which of the following is NOT a conductor?
a) Aluminum foil
b) Wooden spoon
c) Paperclip
d) Iron nail

Which of the following is NOT an example of mechanical energy?
a) Beating a drum
b) Pushing a shopping cart
c) Playing the piano
d) Solar panels powering a building

How is an electromagnet different than a regular magnet?
a) They are not any different because they both use electrical energy
b) An electromagnet needs electrical energy
c) An electromagnet is always more powerful
d) Regular magnets are smaller

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