Shmuel II Review 1:1 - 5:3 Question Preview (ID: 33935)

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According to ______, Shaul was killed by the Amalekite lad.
a) Shmuel II:1
b) Shmuel I:31
c) both Shmuel I AND Shmuel II
d) Neither

According to ______, Shaul killed himself.
a) Shmuel I:31
b) Shmuel II:1
c) both Shmuel I AND Shmuel II
d) Neither

According to ______, Shaul was seriously wounded by the Pelishtim.
a) Shmuel I:31
b) Shmuel II:1
c) both Shmuel I AND Shmuel II
d) Neither

Which version of Shaul's death is DEFINITELY true?
a) Shmuel I:31
b) Shmuel II:1
c) both Shmuel I AND Shmuel II
d) Neither

Which version of Shaul's death is questionable -- the commentators debate whether or not it's true?
a) Shmuel I:31
b) Shmuel II:1
c) both Shmuel I AND Shmuel II
d) Neither

Even though (according to his story!!), Shaul asked him to kill him, David thought that the Amaleki
a) should be put to death
b) should not be rewarded
c) should be commended
d) should be told off for making such a serious mistake

When Shaul's son, Ish Boshet, is killed, the assassins come to David
a) to brag about killing Ish Boshet
b) to say he got what he deserved (for interfering with David's ascension to the throne)
c) to brag AND justify by saying he deserved
d) Neither -- they ran away to Avner

When Yoav killed Avner
a) David mourned
b) David eulogized
c) David made sure everyone knew that this was a terrible thing, which he hadn't been involved in.
d) All of the above

How did David react to Shaul's death?
a) Mourned and eulogized
b) Took over the monarchy
c) Explained that this was part of God's plan
d) Consulted with the prophet

After Shaul's death, David asked God
a) if he should return to the cities of Yehudah (e.g. Chevron)
b) if he should start a war with the rest of Israel
c) if he should kill Ish Boshet
d) if he should let Avner live

David explained to his advisors that although Yoav deserved punishment for killing Avner
a) he -- David -- was still too weak a king to take on Yoav
b) God would punish Yoav
c) he -- David -- was still too weak a king to take on Yoav AND God would punish Yoav
d) since Avner had killed Asahel, Yoav's brother, his hands were tied.

The fact that David moved with his wife and children back to Chevron, and that his men spread out, and didn't live together in a centralized location, explains the commentator Malbim, teaches that . . .
a) David trusted in God, and was willing to let things unfold at their own pace
b) David loved his family, but his men -- eh, not so much
c) David was hoping Ish Boshet wouldn't be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop
d) David thought everybody needed a much-deserved break.

David attempted to recruit the people of _____, even though they had been very loyal to Shaul
a) Yavesh Gilad
b) Chevron
c) Aravah
d) Lakiro

The pasuk says that Ish Boshet ruled over Israel for two years, but that David ruled over Yehudah (and not all of Israel) for seven years. This is because
a) After two years, Ish Boshet's rule started to come apart
b) After five years, David's rule started to strengthen
c) Yoav killed Avner under Ish Boshet's rule
d) In the third year, David found out how to rule properly

The war between David and Ish Boshet broke out when
a) a mock battle turned into a real one
b) Avner killed Asahel, Yoav's brother
c) Yoav chased Avner
d) Avner snuck Ish Bosher away after the people of Yehudah anointed David as king.

Avner killed Asahel
a) because Asahel was chasing after him to kill him
b) under the fifth rib
c) when Asahel refused to turn away
d) all of the above

David's wife was named
a) Achinoam
b) Avital
c) Ma'achah
d) All of the above

When Ish Boshet asked Avner why he had started a relationship with Shaul's concubing
a) Avner got angry and told him off
b) Avner thanked him for teaching him something new
c) Avner explained why
d) Avner pointed out that he had been mislead, and not to believe Lashon Hara in the future

After Avner predicted (to Ish Boshet's face!) that God would start to fulfill his promise to transfer the monarchy to David, he
a) reached out to David
b) calmed down
c) was punished by Ish Boshet for disrespecting the king
d) apologized for disrespecting the king

When Yonatan was killed
a) Shaul's line was wiped out
b) he left a son, Mefiboshet, behind
c) he left a daghter, Meirav, behind
d) his wife was pregnant with twin boys, Peretz and Zerach

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