Science 6 Chapter 4 Test Set 2 Question Preview (ID: 33621)
Chemical Reactions.
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A precipitate is a _______________ that forms during a chemical reaction.
a) solid
b) liquid
c) gas
d) plasma
In a chemical equation, the substances written on the right side of the arrow are called
a) reactants
b) products
c) molecules
d) compounds
The _______________ is the minimum amount of energy to start a chemical reaction.
a) chemical formula
b) catalyst
c) activation energy
d) coefficient
The ______________ is the amount of one material present in a given volume of another material.
a) concentration
b) catalyst
c) inhibitor
d) enzyme
A reaction in which one or more elements change places in a compound is called
a) synthesis
b) replacement
c) decomposition
d) precipitate
What kinds of changes occur when existing bonds break and new bonds form?
a) physical
b) chemical
c) coefficient
d) subscript
The amount of matter in a chemical reaction
a) changes
b) remains the same
c) is created
d) is destroyed
What is the process of making a more complex compound from simpler compounds called?
a) decomposition
b) replacement
c) synthesis
d) precipitate
The rate of a chemical reaction is ________________ temperature.
a) dependent on
b) independent of
c) unaffected by
d) created with
A chemical reaction may be detected by observing changes in what?
a) properties of matter
b) volume
c) number of atoms
d) mass
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