Bugging Out Question Preview (ID: 33605)
Reading Comprehension.
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Where can bedbugs lives?
a) In mattresses and couches.
b) In apple trees.
c) In sidewalks and streets.
Which is a solution to the bedbug problem?
a) Hire experts to come get rid of the insects with the help of a dog.
b) Stop travelers from staying inside apartments and hotels.
c) Stop people from traveling throughout the country.
How might the experience of having a bedbug infestation best be described based on information from the text?
a) Extremely frustrating
b) Scary but fun
c) Calm and peaceful
What is the main idea of the text?
a) People are working to stop the bedbug infestations.
b) Bedbugs don't hurt, but they can cause itchy bumps.
c) New York made a law to stop renters from moving into apartments that had bedbugs.
According to the text, what have experts trained dogs to do?
a) Use their noses to sniff out bedbugs.
b) Use pesticides to stop the bedbugs.
c) Find apple seeds.
Which of the following is an opinion from the text?
a) Sleepovers aren't fun when bedbugs are the guests!
b) The adult bugs are the size of apple seeds.
c) Travelers might carry the bugs in their suitcases.
What does the word prevent mean?
a) To stop something from happening.
b) To start something.
c) To keep something.
True or false: New York officials are concerned about the bedbug infestation.
a) True
b) False
What is the author's purpose of this article?
a) To inform
b) To persuade
c) To entertain
True or false: Bedbug bites hurt.
a) False
b) True
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