Relative Dating Question Preview (ID: 33590)

Relative Dating Questions Related To A Cross-sectional Geological Formation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Any part of a previous rock layer, like a piece of stone, is older than the layer containing it.
a) Superposition
b) Containment
c) Inclusion
d) Unconformity

Any feature that cuts across rock layers is younger than the layers
a) Cross-Cutting Relationship
b) Lateral Continuity
c) Superposition
d) Unconformity

Sediments are originally deposited in horizontal layers.
a) Superposition
b) Original Horizontality
c) Inclusions
d) Cross Cutting Relationship

Sedimentary layers or lava flows extend sideways in all directions until they thin out or reach a barrier.
a) Magma Barrier
b) Superposition
c) Lateral Continuity
d) Horizontal Continuity

In some rock formations, layers or parts of layers may be missing. This is often due to erosion. Erosion by water or wind removes sediment from exposed surfaces. Erosion often leaves a new flat surface with some of the original material missing
a) Uncomformities
b) Inclusions
c) Superpositions
d) Cross Cutting Relationships

In undisturbed rock layers, the oldest layer is at the bottom and the youngest layer is at the top.
a) Lateral Continuity
b) Inclusion
c) Exclusion
d) Superposition

Relative Dating uses
a) The real age of objects to determine what era they're from
b) Ages of two objects comparatively to see which is older

The oldest rocks are usually found on the
a) Top of a rock formation
b) Top of the youngest rocks
c) Bottom of a rock formation

a) creates new rocks
b) only affects the oldest rocks
c) has no affect on rock layers
d) wears away rock layers

Relative Dating can tell you
a) if the rock is older or younger than another rock by comparison
b) exactly how old a rock is
c) what era the rock came from

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