Apostrophes Question Preview (ID: 33492)
In Contractions.
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What is the contraction form of (you) and (are)?
a) you're
b) your
c) yours
d) you are
What is the contraction form of (have) and (not)?
a) have'not
b) haven't
c) havenot'
d) have not
What is the contraction form of (did) and (not)?
a) don't
b) did not
c) didn't
d) d'idnt
What is the contraction form of (of the clock)?
a) of'theclock
b) o'fclock
c) oclo'ck
d) o'clock
What is the contraction form of (there) and (is)?
a) there's
b) there'is
c) theres
d) there'll
What is the contraction form of (do) and (not)?
a) didn't
b) don't
c) dont
d) d'not
What is the contraction form of (could) and (not)?
a) could not
b) couldnot
c) couldn't
d) couldno't
What is the contraction form of (we) and (are)?
a) were
b) weren't
c) wernot
d) we're
What is the contraction form of (who) and (is)?
a) who's
b) whose
c) who'is
d) who is
What is the contraction form of (are) and (not)?
a) are not
b) aren't
c) areno't
d) a'not
What is the contraction form of (would) and (not)?
a) wouldn'ot
b) would not
c) won't
d) wood not
What is the contraction form of (I) and (will)?
a) i'will
b) i'll
c) ill
d) I'll
What is the contraction form of (is) and (not)?
a) isn't
b) is not
c) i'not
d) isno't
What is the contraction form of (I) and (have)?
a) i've
b) I've
c) I have
d) I'have
What is the contraction form of (does) and (not)?
a) doesno't
b) does not
c) doesn't
d) d'not
What is the contraction form of (it) and (is)?
a) it'is
b) it is
c) itis
d) it's
What is the contraction form of (they) and (have)?
a) they've
b) they have
c) theyha've
d) theyve
What is the homophone form of (who's)?
a) who is
b) whose
c) who'se
d) whois
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