Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 33444)

Atmosphere. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is not a layer of earth's atmosphere?
a) Meteorsphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Troposphere
d) Stratosphere

What is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Helium
d) Argon

Which is the coldest layer?
a) Mesosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Stratosphere

Where weather occurs...
a) Stratosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Exosphere

Contains the ozone layer...
a) Exosphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Thermosphere

Hottest layer...
a) Thermosphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Exosphere

The outermost layer?
a) Thermosphere
b) Exosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Mesophere

How many main layers of the atmosphere are there?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 10

Bottom layer of the atmosphere
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere

Which layer has the most pressure...
a) Exosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Stratosphere

Does temperature increase or decrease in the troposphere
a) Decrease
b) Increase

Does temperature increase or decrease in the stratosphere?
a) Increases
b) Decreases

Temperature increase or decrease in the Mesosphere?
a) Increase
b) Decrease

Which layer contains the least amount of pressure?
a) Mesophere
b) Stratosphere
c) Exosphere
d) Thermosphere

Does the temperature increase or decrease in the thermosphere?
a) Increases
b) Decreases

which layer protect the earth from meteors?
a) Exosphere
b) Thermosphere
c) Troposphere
d) Mesosphere

Where satellites can be found...
a) Thermosphere
b) Mesosphere
c) Exosphere
d) Stratosphere

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