Southeast Asia Capitals Question Preview (ID: 33362)
Countries And Capitals Of Southeast Asia.
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What is the capital of Myanmar?
a) Hanoi
b) Bangkok
c) Phenom Penh
d) Naypyidaw
What is the capital of Indonesia?
a) Jakarta
b) Kuala Lumpur
c) Manila
d) Vientiane
What is the capital of Vietnam?
a) Bangkok
b) Phenom Penh
c) Hanoi
d) Bandar Seri Begwan
What is the capital of Malaysia?
a) Phenom Penh
b) Manila
c) Kuala Lumpur
d) Singapore
What is the capital of Thailand?
a) Yangon
b) Bangkok
c) Jakarta
d) Manila
What is the capital of Brunei?
a) Manila
b) Hanoi
c) Jakarta
d) Bandar Seri Begwan
What is the capital of Laos?
a) Vientiane
b) Hanoi
c) Kuala Lumpur
d) Phenom Penh
What is the capital of the Philippines?
a) Jakarta
b) Manila
c) Bandar Seri Begwan
d) Kuala Lumpur
What is the capital of Cambodia?
a) Hanoi
b) Vientiane
c) Phenom Penh
d) Yangon
What is the capital of Singapore?
a) Manila
b) Kuala Lumpur
c) Bandar Seri Begwan
d) Singapore
What country has the capital called Manila?
a) Philippines
b) Indonesia
c) Malaysia
d) Mynamar
What country has a capital called Jakarta?
a) Philippines
b) Singapore
c) Indonesia
d) Cambodia
What country has a capital called Naypyidaw?
a) Cambodia
b) Malaysia
c) Laos
d) Myanmar
What country has a capital called Phenom Penh?
a) Cambodia
b) Malaysia
c) Vietnam
d) Brunei
What country has a capital called Kuala Lumpur?
a) Philippines
b) Brunei
c) Malaysia
d) Mynamar
What country has a capital called Bandar Seri Begwan?
a) Singapore
b) Brunei
c) Myanmar
d) Philippines
What country has a capital called Hanoi?
a) Malaysia
b) Vietnam
c) Laos
d) Indonesia
What country has a capital called Bangkok?
a) Laos
b) Brunei
c) Cambodia
d) Thailand
What country has a capital called Vientiane?
a) Laos
b) Cambodia
c) Malaysia
d) Myanmar
What country is an archipelago?
a) Brunei
b) Indonesia
c) Singapore
d) Thailand
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