Term 1 Chemistry Final Question Preview (ID: 33126)

Term 1 General Chemistry Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following are supporting evidences that matter in the universe has a common origin
a) Humans look kind of like monkeys
b) Continental Drift
c) Cosmic background radiation
d) Atoms look like building blocks

Who's postulate states that an atom of nitrogen found on Earth will be the same as any other
a) Plato
b) Dr. Seuss
c) Niels Bohr
d) Dalton

Which is an example of a mixture?
a) table Salt
b) Saltwater
c) Rust
d) Superman

An orbital is defined as_____
a) A brand of gum
b) A region of space with high probability of electron presence
c) A defined distance from the center of the atom
d) A place where the nucleus is always found.

What is the name of the negatively charged particles in an atom?
a) Protons
b) Neutrons
c) Electrons
d) Orbitals

Who was the first individual to suggest the existence of atoms
a) Democritus
b) Plato
c) Arisotle
d) Mr. Lundgreen

What was significant about Rutherford’s experiment?
a) It was like shooting a high powered rifle at tissue paper
b) It involved Gold
c) Hans Geiger helped him
d) Alpha particles Bounced back

Where is the nucleus found?
a) At the center of the electron field
b) Pluto
c) Orbiting the outside of the atom
d) Cheating on his girlfriend

In a neutral atom
a) Number of neutrons = number of protons
b) Number of electrons = number of neutrons
c) Number of electrons = number of protons
d) Number of electrons = number of cheeseburgers

What is an Ion?
a) An atom with more/less electrons than protons.
b) An atom with more/less neutrons than protists.
c) An atom with more/less neutrons than protons.
d) An atom with more/less electrons than leptons.

Which element has 82 protons
a) Lead
b) Bismuth
c) Krypton
d) Bromine

An atom whose nucleus emits particles and changes is known as what?
a) a positive ion
b) a halogen
c) a negative ion
d) a radioactive isotope

The atomic number of an atom tells the number of __________.
a) atoms in a reaction
b) protons in an atom
c) electrons in an atom
d) the atomic mass of an atom

Carbon–13 and Carbon–14 are considered to be _____ because of the differing number of neutrons.
a) elements
b) protons
c) isotopes
d) atoms

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