Captains Of Industry/Location Of Industry/RPM Question Preview (ID: 33115)
Big Business.
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Who was the captain of the steel industry?
a) Rockefeller
b) Vanderbilt
c) Carnegie
d) Ford
Who was the captain of the auto industry?
a) Rockefeller
b) Vanderbilt
c) Carnegie
d) Ford
Who was the captain of the railroad industry?
a) Rockefeller
b) Vanderbilt
c) Carnegie
d) Ford
Who was the Captain of the Oil Industry?
a) Rockefeller
b) Vanderbilt
c) Carnegie
d) Ford
Where was the textile industry located?
a) New England
b) Detroit
c) Pittsburgh
d) Chicago
Where was the meatpacking industry located?
a) New England
b) Detroit
c) Pittsburgh
d) Chicago
Where was the auto industry located?
a) New England
b) Detroit
c) Pittsburgh
d) Chicago
Where was the steel industry located?
a) New England
b) Detroit
c) Pittsburgh
d) Chicago
What allowed resources, products, and markets to be linked together?
a) cars
b) railroad
c) wagon trains
d) ships
Iron Ore was a resources used to make---
a) textiles
b) oil
c) steel
d) telephones
During the Industrial Revolution, more people left the ---area to move to the city.
a) rural
b) urban
c) suburban
Factories were located in the Northeast and Midwest during this period because they needed---
a) to be close so people could buy their products.
b) workers.
c) resources like iron ore.
d) a cheap place to build.
Factories during this time was located in the---
a) north
b) south
c) west
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