Forms Of Energy Question Preview (ID: 33103)
Forms Of Energy.
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Energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials
a) thermal
b) electrical
c) mechanical
d) sound
Energy produced by a machine or a moving part
a) thermal
b) electrical
c) mechanical
d) light
What is a code word for the five forms of energy?
d) None of the above
Energy produced from vibrations
a) light
b) sound
c) thermal
d) mechanical
What type of energy powers a TV?
a) sound
b) heat
c) electrical
d) light
Campfires use what type of energy to cook food?
a) light
b) thermal
c) electrical
d) sound
When a lamp is plugged in and turned on it converts ______ energy to _____ energy?
a) mechanical to light
b) electrical to sound
c) electrical to light
d) light to electrical
A television uses electrical energy to produce
a) sound and light
b) mechanical and electrical
c) electrical and thermal
d) light and mechanical
In thermal energy the faster the particles move, the greater the _______.
a) heat
b) light
c) sound
d) mechanical
Transportation is a form of __________
a) mechanical energy
b) thermal energy
c) sound energy
d) light energy
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