Weather Maps And Instruments Question Preview (ID: 33099)
Things Found On A Weather Maps And Ways To Track Weather.
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The blue symbol with triangles represents what on a weather map?
a) Cold Front
b) Warm Front
c) Occluded Front
d) Stationary Front
The red symbol with semi-circles represents what on a weather map?
a) Warm Front
b) Cold Front
c) Stationary Front
d) Occluded Front
This front alternates blue triangles and red semi-circles on a weather map.
a) Occluded Front
b) Stationary Front
c) Cold Front
d) Warm Front
This front is purple with alternating triangles and semi-circles on a weather map.
a) Occluded Front
b) Stationary Front
c) Warm Front
d) Cold Front
This red symbol is usually in an area where storms are about to happen or are happening.
a) Low pressure
b) High pressure
c) Isobars
d) Isotherms
These are lines on a weather map that show areas with the same atmospheric pressure.
a) Isobars
b) Isotherms
c) Front Lines
d) Longitude
This weather instrument measures atmospheric pressure?
a) Barometer
b) Anemometer
c) Psychrometer
d) Hygrometer
Which weather instrument is used to determine wind speed?
a) Barometer
b) Anemometer
c) Hygrometer
d) Thermometer
Which of the following would not be a sign that a storm could be coming?
a) The air pressure increased.
b) The air pressure decreased.
c) Wind speed increased.
d) Wind changes directions quickly.
Which of the following measures humidity?
a) hygrometer
b) thermometer
c) anemometer
d) barometer
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