Foundations In Social Studies Unit Test Question Preview (ID: 33093)
Test Over Questions Historians, Geographers, Political Scientists, And Economists Ask.
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What is History?
a) The study of the earth and ways people interact with the earth.
b) The study of the past
c) The study of how people use resources to fulfill economic wants.
d) The study of government
What is Geography?
a) The study of the past.
b) The study of the earth and ways people interact with the earth.
c) The study of government
d) The study of how people use resources to fulfill economic wants.
What is Economics?
a) The study of the earth and ways people interact with the earth.
b) The study of government
c) The study of how people use resources to fulfill economic wants.
d) The study of the past
What is political science?
a) The study of how people use resources to fulfill economic wants.
b) The study of the past
c) The study of the earth and ways people interact with the earth.
d) The study of government
What happened?
a) Hisotrian
b) Geographer
c) Economist
d) Political Scientist
Where is it?
a) Geographer
b) Hisotrian
c) Economist
d) Political Scientist
What is produced?
a) Economist
b) Geographer
c) Hisotrian
d) Political Scientist
What are the basic values and principles of American constitutional democracy?
a) Political Scientist
b) Economist
c) Geographer
d) Hisotrian
When did it happen?
a) Political Scientist
b) Geographer
c) Historian
d) Economist
What is it like there?
a) Economist
b) Historian
c) Political Scientist
d) Geographer
How much is produced?
a) Hisotrian
b) Geographer
c) Political Scientist
d) Economist
What does government do?
a) Geographer
b) Historian
c) Political Scientist
d) Economist
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