Executive Branch Assessment Question Preview (ID: 33089)

Review For Part 1 And 2 Of Test For Mrs. Cornell. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement to be President of the United States?
a) Natural Born Citizen
b) A college degree or higher
c) 35 years old
d) Lived in the United States for at least 14 years

How many years is the term of office for the US President?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 2

According to the 22nd Amendment, how many years can the president serve? Careful Han its a trap!!!
a) 12
b) 10
c) 8
d) 4

What is the purpose of the State of the Union Address?
a) The President describes the condition of the nation and identifies concerns
b) The President sets the programs and policies that they want Congress to make laws
c) The citizens can hear the President's future plans
d) All of These

When a president grants a(n) ______________ it means a convicted criminal's sentence is delayed
a) Reprieve
b) Pardon
c) Amnesty
d) Veto

A _____________ is a group based on common principles seeking to control the government to affect certain policies and programs
a) Presidential Cabinet
b) Public Opinion Poll
c) Political Campaign Ad
d) Political Party

The 2 main political parties in the US today are...
a) Democrats and Whigs
b) Democrats and Republicans
c) Labor Party and Republicans
d) Workers and Conservatives

Which animals are the symbols for the Democrats and Republicans?
a) Mouse and Rabbit
b) Wombat and Kangaroo
c) Giraffe and Penguin
d) Donkey and Elephant

What is the purpose of PRIMARY elections?
a) 2 major party candidates argue with each other publicly over the issues
b) Voters determine what the stance of their candidates will be
c) Voters determine who will represent their political party in the General Election
d) Determines who will be president from the remaining 2 candidates

What is election type is it when only Republicans can vote for Republicans and Democrats for Democrats?
a) Debate
b) Electoral College
c) Open Primary
d) Closed Primary

What determines the number of delegates to the Electoral College for each state?
a) Each state has the same amount
b) The number of Representatives in the House of Reps + the 2 Senators for each state
c) The number of registered voters in each state
d) Number of college graduates in each state

The President is elected by
a) Majority of popular votes
b) 270 or more Electoral College votes
c) The members of Congress
d) The most Electoral College votes

When a president grants a __________________ the crime is forgiven and the person is freed
a) Pardon
b) Reprieve
c) Amnesty
d) Veto

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