Growth And Responses In Plants Question Preview (ID: 33064)
BIO 2.
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Growth in response to a solid object is called
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thigmotropism
d) nastic movement
The sensors in root cap cells are called
a) lithographs
b) statoliths
c) calculi
d) graviliths
Stems demonstrate
a) negative gravitropism
b) negative phototropism
c) positive gravitropism
d) none are correct
Positive phototropism in stems is due to
a) receptors in the stem
b) movement of auxin to the shady side of the stem
c) differential growth of the stem
d) all are correct
Plants exhibit a 24-hour biological rhythm called
a) rhythm and blues
b) the Calvin cycle
c) biological rhythm
d) circadian rhythm
Nastic movements differ from tropisms in that
a) tropisms involve growth and unidirectional stimuli
b) nastic movements include a response to gravity
c) tropisms are due to an internal clock
d) nastic movements only occur in the stem
A function of auxin is to
a) induce dormancy
b) break dormancy
c) prevent growth of lateral buds
d) ripen fruit
A function of ethylene is to
a) induce dormancy
b) promote stem growth
c) control abscission
d) promote cell division
A physiological response due to changes in the length of day and night is called
a) photochrome
b) photoperiodism
c) photographia
d) phytochrome
If a short-day plant's critical period is 9 hours then it will flower if the length of day is
a) 9.5 hours
b) 10 hours
c) 8 hours
d) none are correct
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