SP2: El Restaurante Question Preview (ID: 33055)
Restaurant-related Vocabulary
E-i E-ie Verbs.
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una cuchara
a) spoon
b) knife
c) fork
d) napkin
he sits
a) se sienta
b) te sientas
c) se sientan
d) me siento
una taza
a) a cup
b) a glass
c) a plate
d) a tip
voy a dejar una propina
a) I'm going to clear the table
b) I'm going to leave a tip
c) I have to set the table
d) I have to leave a tip
La mesa está sucia
a) The table is clean
b) The table is ready
c) The table is dirty
d) The table is incorrect
Los platos están limpios
a) The plates are dirty
b) The plates are clean
c) The plates are wrong
d) The plates are ready
Buen provecho
a) Enjoy your meal
b) Good morning
c) Good evening
d) Good food
¿Quieren algo de tomar?
a) Do you all want something to drink?
b) Does she want something to drink?
c) Do we want something to drink?
d) Do you want something to drink?
¿Cuál es el pescado del día?
a) What is the meal of the day?
b) What is the house special?
c) What is the fish of the day?
d) What do you have to drink?
¿Puedo tener más aderezo, por favor?
a) May I have more dressing, please?
b) May I have more dessert, please?
c) May I have more napkins, please?
d) May I have more bread, please?
The server just cleared the table.
a) La mesera va a quitar la mesa.
b) El mesero acaba de poner la mesa.
c) La mesera acaba de quitar la mesa.
d) El mesero tiene que quitar la mesa.
Your table is ready!
a) ¡Su mesa está lista!
b) ¡Su mesa está sucia!
c) ¡Su mesa está limpia!
d) ¡Su mesa está equivocada!
Disculpe, pero me falta un tenedor.
a) Excuse me, but I need a fork.
b) Excuse me, but I need a cup.
c) Excuse me, but I need a napkin.
d) Excuse me, but I need a roll.
Disculpe, ¿puedo tener más servilletas, por favor?
a) Excuse me, may I have more napkins please?
b) Excuse me, may I have more rolls please?
c) Excuse me, may I have more to drink, please?
d) Excuse me, may I have the check, please?
Disculpe. Es el plato equivocado.
a) Excuse me. This is the wrong dish.
b) Excuse me. This dish is dirty.
c) Excuse me. This is a dirty plate.
d) Excuse me. This is the appetizer plate.
¿Se sirve el desayuno aquí?
a) Do you serve lunch?
b) Do you serve appetizers?
c) Do you serve dinner?
d) Do you serve breakfast?
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