Geography: Human Geography Question Preview (ID: 33031)
Latin America.
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Mestizos are descendants of
a) Native Americans and Europeans
b) Africans and Europeans
c) Native Americans and Africans
d) Native Americans and Canadians
Descendants of mixed relations of Africans and Europeans are
a) mestizos
b) mulattos
c) Indians
d) aboriginees
Native Americans found in Mexico are the
a) Incas
b) Cherokees
c) Mayan
d) Aztecs
Latin America is called Latin America because
a) the languages of the cultures there are Roman, Latin, languages
b) Latin describes the diversity of the countries
c) its one of the Germanic languages
d) its the last name of one of the European explorers who was once there
People in a region who share ancestry, language, and culture is
a) religious group
b) political group
c) ethnic group
d) peer group
The way of life of a group of people; includes language, customs, traditions, beliefs, and religious practices is
a) ethnic group
b) religious group
c) colony
d) culture
The ability to read and write is
a) mestizo
b) mulatto
c) culture
d) literacy rate
Why is it important to a developing country for its citizens to be educated?
a) individual are more independent and can contribute to its country, in job or employment, inventors, entrepreneurs.
b) Citizens can used an education to make better decisions.
c) It's not that important, but is costly.
d) Citizens enjoy reading more than any academia.
Latin is the language spoken by _____.
a) Romans, or Italians
b) France, French
c) Portugal, Portuguese
d) South Americans
The largest group of people found in Latin America is
a) mulattoes
b) mestizos
c) Portuguese
d) Spaniards
The three European languages; or main categories are:
a) Germanic, Slavic, Turkey
b) Slavic, English, Romance
c) Romance, Germanic, Slavic
d) French, Slavic, Germanic
Almost 90% of Latin Americans practice which religion?
a) Christianity
b) Roman Catholic
c) Judaism
d) Islam
The higher a country's literacy rate; the higher the __________.
a) economy
b) mortality rate
c) standard living
d) political involment
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