Ch 3 Review Question Preview (ID: 33021)

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The metric system of measurement is based on the number ________________.
a) 10
b) 1
c) 12
d) 100

If scientists cannot obtain exact numbers, they should rely on __________________.
a) guesses
b) estimates
c) other people's data
d) the internet

To determine how close to the true value an experimental value is, you use _______________________.
a) a precise calculation
b) a median
c) significant figures
d) percent error

The horizontal axis in a graph runs _________________.
a) up and down
b) vertically
c) left to right
d) diagonally

What are some reasonable safety precautions for field investigations?
a) Always go in the field alone
b) Always wear an apron and goggles
c) None, there are no hazards in the field
d) Be prepared and use common sense

What is the first thing you should do when there is an accident in the lab?
a) run out of the room screaming
b) start first aid treatment
c) notify your teacher
d) call the principal on the phone

The numerical average of data is _____________.
a) mean
b) median
c) mode
d) range

The difference between the highest and lowest value in a data set is ______________
a) mean
b) range
c) median
d) most

When do you use bar graphs when analyzing data?
a) Whenever you want
b) When you want it to be colorful
c) When looking for a change over time
d) When comparing data

How do you measure the volume of a rock?
a) LxWxH
b) Water Displacement Method
c) on a balance
d) on a scale

What is the unit for measuring mass?
a) grams (g)
b) centimeter (cm)
c) inches (in)
d) pounds (lb)

A high percent error in a measurement means ________________________
a) you measured perfectly
b) you were very accurate
c) you were not very accurate
d) you were wrong

When should you use a line grph to analyze your data?
a) When comparing data
b) When looking for change in data over time
c) Whenever you want
d) When you don't have colored pencils

How do you calculate density?
a) volume times mass
b) mass times volume
c) volume divided by mass
d) mass divided by volume

Why should measurements be accurate and precise?
a) Because that's what my teacher says.
b) So you can publish them in a science magazine.
c) So that they are reliable.
d) So they are correct.

What is the curve on the surface of water in a graduated cylinder called?
a) water line
b) bubble
c) meniscus
d) estimate

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