History Of Europe Unit Question Preview (ID: 32598)

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As a result of the worldwide economic depression, what political party rose to power in Germany?
a) Communist Party
b) Republican Party
c) Nazi Party
d) Democratic Party

WWII came to an end when
a) the Allies captured Berlin.
b) the Allies defeated Italy.
c) the Axis powers defeated Russia.
d) the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.

Why did the Nazi party become the largest party in Germany's government?
a) Voters were upset about the state of Germany's economy.
b) They promised social security.
c) They won a civil war.
d) Mussolini was a powerful leader.

During the Cold War, a visual reminder of its meaning was the Berlin Wall. Which statement BEST describes the reason for it being built?
a) The wall was necessary to show Germans where the Soviet zone was located.
b) The wall was built to divide Berlin into four sectors.
c) The wall was built by the East German government to stop people fleeing from East Berlin to West Berlin.
d) The wall was built to establish better economic growth for East Berlin.

What was the WWII alliance of Germany, Japan, and Italy called?
a) The Nazis
b) The Triple Entente
c) The Axis Powers
d) The Alliance

Why are most major cities and capitals in Europe built along rivers?
a) crowded
b) access to water, recreation, and trade
c) for the views
d) they like to swim

How do alliances turn small conflicts into war?
a) Alliances get countries involved that are not directly affected by the conflict.
b) Alliances give citizens a sense of pride in their country.
c) Alliances allow countries to build up huge militaries.
d) Alliances result in he death of 6 million Jews.

SENTENCE 1 - Men were dying fighting in WWI. SENTENCE 2 - People were starving due to lack of food. SENTENCE 3 - The Czar could not fix the problem. Which of the following resulted because of the first three sentences.
a) The Russian Revolution
b) WWI
c) World War II
d) The Cold War

What mountain range is to the north of Italy and makes trading difficult?
a) Pyrennes Mountains
b) Alps Mountains
c) Rocky Mountains
d) Ural Mountains

Why do most people live near the US border in Canada?
a) close to farmland
b) so they can get to the US easier
c) because the weather is warmer and there are more bodies of water to trade in
d) none of the above

What peninsula is Spain and Portugal located on?
a) Siberian
b) Iberian
c) Scandinavian
d) American

In Canada what physical feature has a lot of mineral resources within it?
a) Canadian Shield
b) Rocky Mountains
c) Hudson Bay
d) St. Lawrence River

Who does Canada share a queen with?
a) Germany
b) Russia
c) North Korea
d) United Kingdom

What was the result of the Russian Revolution?
a) The czar remained in power, and the peasants celebrated
b) Free elections were held, and Vladimir Lenin was elected president.
c) Lenin won the revolution, and Russia became communist.
d) The czar and the socialists reached a compromise that created a parliament

What is anti-semitism?
a) Hatred of the Soviet Union
b) Discrimination and mistreatment of Jews
c) Discrimination and minstreatment of Native Americans
d) Opposition to the US involvement in WWI

Which is one major reason the Holocaust is considered a unique event in European history?
a) Jews of Europe have seldom been victims of persecution.
b) Civilians rarely were killed during air raids on Great Britain.
c) Adolf Hitler concealed (hid) his anti-Jewish feelings until after he came to power.
d) The Genocide was planned in great detail and required the cooperation of many people.

SENTENCE 1 - Holocaust. SENTENCE 2 - Led to the Cold War. SENTENCE 3 - Totalitarian governments in Europe. Which war do the 3 sentences refer to?
a) World War I
b) World War II
c) Russian Revolution
d) Both World War I and World War II

Which two things did Germany have to do as part of the Treaty of Versailles?
a) Have a small army and create a communist government.
b) Join the League of Nations and give up land.
c) Pay war reparations and have a small army.
d) Put Hitler into power and pay war reparations.

Treaty of Versailles ----------Worldwide Depression----------WHAT GOES HERE?
a) European exploration begins
b) World War I begins
c) Hitler comes to power
d) The Cold War begins

The fall of the Berlin Wall signified ___________________________.
a) The end of the Cold War
b) The end of World War II
c) The beginning of the Cold War
d) The beginning of the Russian Revolution

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