Astronomy Terms Question Preview (ID: 32559)

Astronomy Terms. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is an elliptical galaxy?
a) A mass of starts that has a number of long arms that are spiraling around the center
b) A mass of stars clumped together in the shape of a spherical/circular disc.
c) A formation of two types of galaxies crashing into each other
d) A formation that has a long bar in the middle with spirals coming off the ends

The galaxy that we live in is called the
a) Bode's
b) Andromeda
c) Black eye
d) Milky Way

A large cloud of gas and dust in space that is the first stage of star formation is a
a) Nebula
b) Colloid
c) Asteroid
d) Meteoroid

A comet is a
a) Debris-formed rocky bodies
b) Piece of interplanetary material that falls toward Earth and enters its atmosphere.
c) Small; eccentrically orbiting body made of rock and ice which have one or more tails that point away from the Sun.
d) Large cloud of gas and dust in space that is the first stage of star formation.

A spin around on an axis (a point) is a
a) Revolution
b) Rotation
c) Lunar Movement
d) Tilt

During this moon phase, over half of the moon's illuminated side is seen from Earth
a) Waning Gibbous
b) Waning Crescent
c) Waxing Crescent
d) Waxing Gibbous

Asteroids are
a) Pieces of interplanetary material that falls toward Earth and enters its atmosphere.
b) Small; eccentrically orbiting body made of rock and ice which have one or more tails that point away from the Sun.
c) Debris formed rocky bodies
d) Natural objects that orbit a planet

A straight line that divides a shape evenly into two parts is a
a) Tilt
b) Nebula
c) Neap tide
d) Axis

A chunk of rock or dust that has hit the Earth's surface is a
a) Meteorite
b) Meteoroid
c) Meteor
d) Asteroid

The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
a) Orbit
b) Revolution
c) Rotation
d) Red Shift

The universe is
a) A group of stars, dust and gases held together by gravity.
b) The galaxy that contains the solar system in which we live
c) The solar system and it's stars
d) All of space and everything in it

________ tides with the smallest daily tidal range and occur during the first and third quarters of the moon
a) Neap Tides
b) Spring Tides
c) Night Tides
d) Low Tides

A galaxy that does not have a clearly defined shape and structure is
a) Elliptical
b) Irregular
c) Spiral
d) Scatter

The star that is located in a spiral arm in the Milky way, and is orbited by all of the planets
a) Earth
b) North Star
c) Mars
d) Sun

A mass of stone or metal that has reached the earth from outer space is a
a) Meteorite
b) Meteor
c) Meteoroid
d) Asteroid

A Light Year is
a) The amount of light a planet absorbs in one year
b) A scale that measures different wavelengths of light on planets
c) The astronomical distance unit equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year
d) A unit equivalent to the amount of light that is given off by the sun in one year

The wavelength of the light is stretched, so the light is seen as 'shifted' towards the red part of the spectrum
a) Red light
b) Red shift
c) Red wave
d) Red length

A piece of rock or metal that burns and glows brightly in the sky as it falls from outer space into the Earth's atmosphere is a
a) Meteor
b) Meteorite
c) Meteoroid
d) Asteroid

A period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time is a
a) Year
b) Leap day
c) Hour
d) Day

The time taken by the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun is a
a) Year
b) Leap year
c) Month
d) Day

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