Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Ch. 1-3 Question Preview (ID: 32545)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What word means very large in size?
a) enormous
b) creamy
c) extraordinary
d) gradually

Nibble means...
a) appropriate
b) to take small bites of
c) faucet
d) wrinkled

Shriveled means...
a) remarkable; unusual
b) to speak with stutter
c) wrinkled
d) slowly; in steps

What word means remarkable; unusual?
a) extraordinary
b) taps
c) stammered
d) proper

Which word means appropriate?
a) creamy
b) enormous
c) taps
d) proper

Which word means faucets?
a) nibble
b) creamy
c) taps
d) extraordinary

Stammered means...
a) to speak with a stutter
b) wrinkled
c) take small bites of
d) slowly; in steps

Gradually means...
a) appropriate
b) slowly; in steps
c) soft and smooth
d) faucet

Which word means soft and smooth?
a) creamy
b) proper
c) stammered
d) nibble

What is the main character's name?
a) Bradley Chalkers
b) Lucy
c) Edmund
d) Charlie Bucket

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