The Solar System Question Preview (ID: 32303)
Solar System Review Questions.
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What is the closest planet to the sun?
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mercury
d) Saturn
What is the farthest planet from the sun?
a) Neptune
b) Uranus
c) Jupiter
d) Mars
What is the largest object in the solar system?
a) Jupiter
b) The sun
c) The moon
d) Earth
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
a) Saturn
b) The Sun
c) Earth
d) Jupiter
About how far is it from the sun to Earth?
a) 50 million miles
b) 150 million miles
c) 93 million miles
d) 9 million miles
An astronomical unit is equal to how many miles?
a) 93 million
b) 100 million
c) 9 million
d) 1 million
How many planets in the solar system have a ring system?
a) 1
b) 8
c) 4
d) 2
The inner planets are also known as the __________________ planets
a) Terrestrial
b) Gas Giants
The outer planets are also known as the ___________________
a) Gas Giants
b) Terrestrial Planets
In a geocentric system...what object is in the center of the solar system?
a) The Sun
b) The Moon
c) Jupiter
d) Earth
In a heliocentric system...what object is in the center of the solar system
a) The Sun
b) The Moon
c) Earth
d) Neptune
Which early astronomer discovered four moons around Jupiter?
a) Kepler
b) Galileo
c) Brahe
d) Copernicus
What do we call it when the planets appear to move the wrong way across the sky?
a) Rotation
b) Revolution
c) Retrograde
d) Light Year
Which planet is NOT visible in the sky without the use of a telescope?
a) Neptune
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Mercury
Which planet has the largest and most famous ring system?
a) Uranus
b) Saturn
c) Earth
d) Jupiter
Which of these objects did early astronomers NOT see in the night sky?
a) Planets
b) Stars
c) Satellites
d) Comets
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