Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Question Preview (ID: 32276)
Early Gatherers Hunters.
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What is the study of past cultures through the things that remain, such as, buildings, tools or pottery?
a) Archaeology
b) Artifacts
c) Migrate
d) Beringia
What are objects made by people long ago?
a) Archaeology
b) Artifacts
c) Migrate
d) Beringia
What is it called to move from one place to another?
a) Archaeology
b) Artifacts
c) Migrate
d) Beringia
What is the vast area of land that stretched from Asia to North America during times of low sea levels?
a) Archaeology
b) Artifacts
c) Migrate
d) Beringia
The following events are not in the correct order. If they were in chronological order what happened first?
a) People migrate from Asia to North America
b) Ice Age begins
c) Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile
d) Clovis points are found in New Mexico
The following events are not in the correct order. If they were in chronological order what happened second?
a) People migrate from Asia to North America
b) Ice Age begins
c) Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile
d) Clovis points are found in New Mexico
The following events are not in the correct order. If they were in chronological order what happened third?
a) People migrate from Asia to North America
b) Ice Age begins
c) Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile
d) Clovis points are found in New Mexico
The following events are not in the correct order. If they were in chronological order what happened last?
a) People migrate from Asia to North America
b) Ice Age begins
c) Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile
d) Clovis points are found in New Mexico
Where do Archeologist believe people first lived 3.5 million years ago?
a) Mesopotamia
b) East Africa
c) North America
d) China
How many years ago did people first settle in East Africa
a) 100,000 years ago
b) 300,000 years ago
c) 3 Million years ago
d) 3.5 Million years ago
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