Middle East Review Question Preview (ID: 32119)
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The Persian Gulf has a lot of which natural resource?
a) Coal
b) Oil
c) Rubber
d) Diamonds
Term to describe the Belief in only One God
a) Polytheism
b) Atheism
c) Monotheism
d) Notheism
Which religion came first?
a) Christianity
b) Judaism
c) Islam
Who is the first prophet for Jews, Christians and Muslims?
a) Moses
b) Jesus
c) Muhammad
d) Abraham
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers begin in which country?
a) Turkey
b) Iran
c) Iraq
d) Israel
Which city is the most holy for the Jewish people?
a) Mecca
b) Jerusalem
c) Medina
d) Bethlehem
What type of landform covers most of the Middle East?
a) Mountains
b) Plains
c) Ice Caps
d) Desert
To travel from Afghanistan to Iraq, you must pass through which country?
a) Iran
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Kuwait
d) Turkey
The holy book for the Jews is the
a) New testament
b) the Koran
c) The Vedas
d) The Torah
The term BCE describes the time period before the life of which man?
a) Abraham
b) Moses
c) Jesus
d) Muhammad
The holiest site for the Jewish people is the
a) Eastern Wall
b) The Dead Sea
c) The Temple
d) The Western/Wailing Wall
Which country was promised to the Jews by God
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Israel
c) Egypt
d) Syria
Which sea lies between Africa and Asia?
a) The Arabian Sea
b) The Caspian Sea
c) The Red Sea
d) The Black Sea
The religion with the most followers WORLDWIDE is
a) Christianity
b) Islam
c) Judaism
d) Hinduism
The religion with the most followers in the MIDDLE EAST is
a) Christianity
b) Islam
c) Judaism
d) Hinduism
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