Geographic Tools Question Preview (ID: 32104)
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What does a physical map show?
a) Features of Earth
b) Boundaries
c) Climate
d) Roads
What does a Political Map show?
a) Features of Earth
b) Boundaries of countries, states and cities
c) Climate of the area
d) Roads in the area
What is the name given to ALL maps that focus on specific characteristics?
a) Climate
b) Road
c) Speciality
d) Historical
What is GIS?
a) A tool that can show a lot of different data to help make decisions
b) A tool that can only find location
c) A tool that is a projection of the Earth
d) A tool that is used to take pictures from the sky
What is GPS?
a) A tool that can find location
b) A tool that can show a lot of data
c) A tool that takes pictures from the sky
d) A tool that is a projection of the Earth
What is an advantage of a globe?
a) It shows an exact image of the Earth with no distortion.
b) It is portable
c) It is only distorted a little
d) You can see many details
What is a disadvantage of a map?
a) It distorts land and water
b) It is portable
c) It can show details
d) There are many different kinds
What is the purpose of a climate map?
a) To show the weather over a long period of time
b) To show vegetation
c) To show historical events
d) To show how resources are spread out
What is the purpose of a Resource Map?
a) To show where important resources are available
b) To show weather over a long period of time
c) To show roads
d) To show what plants grow in an area
What is NOT a way geographical tools are important?
a) They help geographers make decisions
b) They have advanced and made things easier
c) They have made things slower
d) They give many different pieces of information
What is Aerial Photography?
a) Images taken from above the Earth
b) Images taken from space
c) Data base where geographical info. is stored
d) A book of maps
What is a satellite image?
a) Image taken from space
b) Image taken from above the Earth
c) Data base where geographical info. is stored
d) Book of maps
What is an atlas?
a) Book of maps
b) Database where geographical info. is stored
c) Images taken from space
d) Images taken from above the Earth
What are infographics?
a) A visual representation of data about a place (like charts, pictures and graphs)
b) Images taken from space
c) A database of information
d) Info. abut a specific location
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