5.0 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 31707)

5.0 Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Selecting low-sodium foods is an example of which food choice factor?
a) Comfort
b) Enjoyment
c) Entertainment
d) Nutrition

Eating sushi for the first time is an example of which food choice factors?
a) Adventure
b) Enjoyment
c) Entertainment
d) Wellness

Losing a job and attending culinary school are both examples of which individual influence on food?
a) Personal beliefs
b) Religious and cultural
c) Situational factors
d) Social factors

Eating foods because everyone else likes them, even when one does't is an example of which factor affecting food choices?
a) Family schedules
b) Knowledge and skills
c) Peer group
d) Stages of life

Eating convenience foods because a person doesn't know how to cook is an example of which factor affecting food choices?
a) Family schedules
b) Knowledge and skills
c) Peer group
d) Stages of life

Picking a certain brand of bottled water because of the attractive advertisement in a magazine is an illustration of what type of external food influence?
a) Economic
b) Environmental
c) Media
d) Technological

Food processed in aseptic packaging is an illustration of what type of external food influence?
a) Economic
b) Environmental
c) Media
d) Tehchnological

Which is an example of an external influence affecting food choices?
a) Attitudes toward food
b) Health limitations
c) Religious restrictions
d) Vitamin fortification

Choosing to eat pizza at home with friends and family when a parent just became unemployed helps meet which type of need?
a) Economic
b) Emotional
c) Hunger
d) Intellectual

Choosing to eat pizza with friends at lunch is an example of which food choice factor?
a) Economic
b) Entertainment
c) Nutrition
d) Wellness

Growing a garden in a vacant city lot to save on food costs is an illustration of what two types of external food influences on food choices?
a) Economic and technological
b) Environmental and economic
c) Media and environmental
d) Technological and media

Which is an example of a technological factor influencing food choices?
a) Changes in climate
b) Decreasing amounts of available land
c) Development of shelf-stable foods
d) Increasing supplies of a type of food product

A male teenager's caloric needs are different than a female teenager's caloric needs. This is an example of which individual influence on food?
a) Cultural
b) Physiological
c) Psychological
d) Situational factors

A recommendation found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to:
a) Burn fewer calories than one consumes
b) Burn more calories than one consumes
c) Gradually decrease calories burned by increasing food eaten
d) Gradually increase calories consumed by eating more carbohydrates

A recommendation found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to consume foods rich in potassium, such as:
a) Beef and pork
b) Cheese and yogurt
c) Dinner rolls and oatmeal
d) Potatoes and bananas

Which person should be sure to reduce sodium intake to 1,500 mg?
a) Female in the first trimester of pregnancy
b) Forty year old male
c) New mother breastfeeding her infant
d) Teenage male with diabetes

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