Spelling Practice 4 Question Preview (ID: 317)

Test Your Ability In Spelling With This Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) We made a cake to celebrate my dad's birthday.
b) Wee maid a cake to celebrate my dads birthday.
c) We made a cacke to celebreat my dad's birthday.
d) We made a cake to celebrayte my dad's berthday/

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) It rained all day and night on Wednesday.
b) It rainet all day and knight on Wednesday.
c) It rayned all day and night on Wensday.
d) Itt rained all day and night on Wednesday.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) The white bread is fresh, but the wheat bread is stale.
b) The white bred is fresch, but the wheet bread is stale.
c) The white bread is fresch, but the wheeat bred is stail.
d) The whit bread is fresh, but the wheat bread is stale.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) We found a little black and white kitten in the park yesterday.
b) We found a littl blak and white kitten in the park yesterday.
c) We fownd a little black and whit kitten in the park yesturday.
d) We found a little blak and white kitten in the park yesterday.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) These new shoes really hurt my feet.
b) These knew shoes realy hert my feet.
c) These new shoos really hurt mi feet.
d) These new shoese reale hurt my feet.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) The flowers in Grandma's garden are just beautiful.
b) The flowers in Grandmas garden are just beautiful.
c) The flowers in Grandma's gardin are gust butiful.
d) The floowers in Grandma's garden are just beautiphul.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) My dog has shaggy hair and a short bushy tail.
b) My dog has shagy hare and a short bushe tail.
c) My dog has shagge haire and a short bushy taile.
d) My dog has shaggie hair and a short bushy tail.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) We will have a Halloween party on October 31.
b) We will hav a Hallowween party on October 31.
c) We will have a Halloween parte on October 31.
d) We whill have a Halloween party on Oktober 31.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) I went to the store to buy some candy for my brother.
b) I went to the store to by some candy for my bruther.
c) I went to the store to buy sum candy for my borther.
d) I whent to the store to buy some candy for mi brother.

In which sentence are all the words spelled correctly?
a) Put these books on the top shelf of the bookcase.
b) Put theese boocks on the top shelph of the bookcase.
c) Poot these books on the top shelf of the bookcase.
d) Put these boocks on the top shelf of the bookcase.

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