Organic Compounds - General Characteristics Question Preview (ID: 31687)

Organic Compounds / Biological Macromolecules. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following best describes the function of nucleic acids?
a) storage of genetic information
b) protective coatings, insulation, long term energy storage
c) storage and release of energy for cellular metabolism
d) structure and cell metabolism

An example of a nucleic acid includes
a) DNA
b) RNA
c) DNA and RNA
d) enzymes

Which of the following is NOT a class of organic compounds?
a) proteins
b) water
c) lipids
d) saccharides

ORDER the indicators for the following organic compounds: proteins, lipids, simple sugars, and complex sugars
a) Benedict's solution, brown paper bag, Biuret's reagent, Lugol's iodine
b) Biuret's reagent, Lugol's iodine, Benedict's solution, brown paper bag
c) Biuret's reagent, brown paper bag test, Lugol's iodine, Benedict's solution
d) Biuret's reagent, Sudan IV, Benedict's solution, Lugol's iodine

Which class of organic compounds is insoluble in water and can be saturated or unsaturated?
a) proteins
b) lipids
c) carbohydrates
d) nucleic acids

Which of the following is characteristic of organic compounds?
a) large
b) carbon-based
c) large and carbon-based
d) small and carbon-based

Amino acids are the monomers of what class of organic compounds?
a) proteins
b) lipids
c) nucleic acids
d) carbohydrates

What general name is given to the small repeating units that make up polymers?
a) monomers
b) unomers
c) singulars
d) none of the above

Enzymes belong to what class of organic compounds?
a) nucleic acids
b) carbohydrates
c) proteins
d) lipids

structure : proteins ::
a) biological catalysts : proteins
b) monosaccharides : carbohydrates
c) genetic code: nucleotides
d) insulation: lipids

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