Band Final Question Preview (ID: 31645)

Band Final Exam 2016. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

One or mre notes that come before the first complete measure of music; also known as pick-up notes.
a) Allegro
b) Anacrusis
c) Beats
d) Accidental

To place emphasis on a note or notes.
a) Pulse
b) Accent
c) Quarter Rest
d) Rhythm

The notes of a chord played individually, either ascending or descending
a) Arpeggio
b) Arrangement
c) Breath Mark
d) Balance

Tonguing and Slurring
a) Balance
b) Fermata
c) Flat
d) Articulation

A group of two or more notes
a) Chord
b) Da Capo
c) Decrescendo
d) Composition

'Head' in Italian; go back to the beginning of the piece
a) Fine
b) Coda
c) Divisi
d) Da Capo

When one part splits into two
a) Dal Segno
b) Divisi
c) Coda
d) Common Time

A slow hymn tune often used for working on tuning, balance, and blend
a) Chromatic
b) Crescendo
c) Chorale
d) Chord

Receives three beats of time
a) Dotted Half Note
b) Dotted Quarter Note
c) Dotted Eighth Note
d) Whole Note

The position your mouth must take in order to properly play a wind instrument.
a) Ensemble
b) Embouchure
c) Flat
d) Enharmonic

Two names for the same note (C# and Db, F# and Gb, etc)
a) Evaluation
b) Embouchure
c) Flat
d) Enharmonic

Lowers a note one half-step
a) Flat
b) Sharp
c) Natural
d) Enharmonic

When two or more notes are played or sung at the same time
a) Harmony
b) Interval
c) Intonation
d) Marcato

Tells the musician(s) what notes are flat, sharp, and natural
a) Time Signature
b) Key Signature
c) Meter
d) Largo

Smooth, connected articulation
a) Marcato
b) Legato
c) Largo
d) Meter

Pitch Accuracy
a) Largo
b) Melody
c) Interval
d) Intonation

The distance between two notes
a) Interval
b) Melody
c) Ledger Lines
d) Marcato

A device that clicks or beeps to demonstrate an exact tempo
a) Metronome
b) Meter
c) Melody
d) Mezzo forte

Moderately; a tempo marking
a) Octave
b) Largo
c) Andante
d) Moderato

Placed in front of a note to cancel out a flat or sharp sign
a) Flat
b) Sharp
c) Natural
d) Accidental

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