MMWD 3.01 Question Preview (ID: 31641)

3.01 Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The mix master is using the visual representation of different sound clips to determine where they are most effectively combined. These visuals are examples of :
a) Waveforms
b) Clips
c) Storyboarding
d) Channels

Christopher has finished a presentation on music history and wants to include the highest quality the music samples. Which file type would be most appropriate?
a) WAV or AIFF
b) AIFF or OGG
c) WAV or MP3
d) OGG or MP3

A group of FBLA students are editing the sound of a video to be submitted in a contest. What phase of video production are they in:
a) Preproduction
b) Production
c) Postproduction
d) Distribution

A soundboard technician is analyzing audio files to identify short segments to be used in the senior video. These segments are examples of:
a) Waveforms
b) Clips
c) Track
d) Channels

Krista is setting up her camera on a tripod to record the sunset over the lake. She wants to ensure that the sun is captured appropriately according to the rule of thirds. What technique is Krista applying in her shot?
a) Panning
b) Zooming
c) Framing
d) Shot Type

A sound technician is analyzing the visual representation of a sound clip to determine where it can be edited. This visual is an example of a(n):
a) Waveforms
b) Clip
c) Track
d) Channel

Publicity firm has been asked to create a short radio spot advertising an upcoming charity event. They are moving short segments of audio around to create best order. The area where the clips are being arranged is an example of:
a) Waveforms
b) Clips
c) Track
d) Channels

The FBLA officers are trying to determine feasible ideas for an upcoming competition. This is an example:
a) Casting
b) Brainstorming
c) Storyboarding
d) Script Writing

The Arts Department is auditioning actors for a school marketing video. This is an example:
a) Casting
b) Brainstorming
c) Storyboarding
d) Script Writing

Margaret reduces the amount of color in her video creating a vintage look for her development of theater project. This is an example of:
a) Narration
b) Transition
c) Video Effect
d) Sound Effect

Thomas converts his video project to black and white to mimic the classic technique of early television. This is an example of:
a) Narration
b) Transition
c) Video Effect
d) Sound Effect

Margie has compiled a collection of funniest moments from her weekly radio show and wants to share them on her website. Which file formats are best suited for use on the internet?
a) WAV or AIFF
b) AIFF or OGG
c) WAV or MP4
d) OGG or MP3

While filming a dramatic scene for a video project, the director instructions the videographer to slowly move in on the actor's face to capture the emotion of the scene. The director is requesting what technique for this shot?
a) Panning
b) Zooming
c) Framing
d) Shot Type

A video production team is setting up equipment for a video shoot. They are including a variety of microphones and artificial lighting. What phase of video production are they in:
a) Preproduction
b) Production
c) Postproduction
d) Distribution

Which sound characteristic would be most represented by a bull frog croaking?
a) Crest
b) Trough
c) Pitch
d) Wavelength

Robert is combining video clips with wide, medium and tight shots to create a visually interesting public service announcement. This is an example of a:
a) Sequence
b) Transition
c) Clip
d) Frequency

A group of DECA students are recording audio clips of their most rewarding experiences with DECA to be played over various images for an upcoming membership drive. This is an example of:
a) Narration
b) Transition
c) Video Effect
d) Sound Effect

A film crew is shooting video for an upcoming project. They are including a variety of tight, medium and wide shots. What phase of video production are they in:
a) Preproduction
b) Production
c) Postproduction
d) Distribution

Samual has just posted the casting list for an upcoming commercial video. Which phase of video production is he in:
a) Preproduction
b) Production
c) Postproduction
d) Distribution

A videographer is shooting a scene for an upcoming production, he slowly moves the camera from right to left following the action down the street. He is applying which technique in her shot?
a) Panning
b) Zooming
c) Framing
d) Shot Type

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