Samuels CHEM Electrons Atomic Structure Question Preview (ID: 31586)

Chemistry Electrons Atomic Structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What instrument is used to separate colors precisely?
a) spectrometer
b) spectroscope
c) hydroscope
d) refractoscope

What is a prism that separates light into component wavelengths?
a) spectroscope
b) spectrometer
c) hydroscope
d) refractoscope

Who came up with the planetary model of the atom in 1911?
a) Rutherford
b) Bohr
c) Heisenberg
d) Lewis

Which model says that electrons stay in specific orbits called energy levels?
a) Bohr
b) Rutherford
c) Heisenberg
d) Lewis

What is the lowest energy state in the atom at the lowest orbit?
a) ground state
b) excited state
c) elevated state
d) flat state

If an electron moves up an energy level, it is said to be in ______.
a) excited state
b) ground state
c) elevated state
d) flat state

Which model says that electrons move around as particles in motion that have properties of waves?
a) wave-mechanical model
b) electron cloud model
c) electron levels model
d) planetary model

Which model says that electrons are found in regions called orbitals?
a) electron cloud model
b) wave-mechanical model
c) electron levels model
d) planetary model

What principle tells that electrons do not have precisely measurable positions and momenta?
a) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
b) Lewis determinate principle
c) Electron configuration principle
d) Bohr planetary principle

This is a region of space where there is a high probability of finding an electron.
a) orbitals
b) energy levels
c) magnetic spins
d) nucleus

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