Samuels PS/CHEM Biochemistry II Question Preview (ID: 31563)

Physical Science Biochemistry II. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which type of fat is the most healthy?
a) unsaturated fat
b) trans fat
c) saturated fat
d) supersaturated fat

Sucrose is an example of which of the following?
a) disaccharides
b) polysaccharides
c) monosaccharides
d) cellulose

Which polysaccharide is used by animals for storage?
a) glycogen
b) cellulose
c) lipids
d) triglyceride

What is the monomer for lipids?
a) triglyceride
b) nucleotide
c) amino acid
d) monosaccharide

What molecule is a nucleic acid that contains the blueprint for life?
a) DNA
b) ADP
c) RNA
d) ATP

A steroid is a type of:
a) lipid
b) protein
c) carbohydrate
d) enzyme

If two sugars are linked together, this forms a:
a) disaccharides
b) monosaccharides
c) polysaccharides
d) cellulose

Triglycerides are the monomers for which of the following?
a) lipid
b) nucleic acid
c) protein
d) carbohydrate

Sugars and proteins that are not used up by the body get converted into what?
a) fat
b) glucose
c) DNA
d) cellulose

The fatty acid that is has no missing hydrogens is:
a) saturated fat
b) unsaturated fat
c) polyunsaturated fat
d) monounsaturated fat

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