Feudalism Question Preview (ID: 31538)

Based On Glencoe's Journey Across Time Textbook. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

land granted to a vassal or knight
a) serf
b) knight
c) fief
d) guild

a noble who served a lord of higher rank
a) serf
b) fief
c) guild
d) vassal

a group of craftsmen
a) serf
b) knight
c) fief
d) guild

a warrior in armor who fought on horseback
a) serf
b) knight
c) fief
d) guild

a person who worked the lord's land
a) serf
b) fief
c) guild
d) vassal

Charlemange was the first Frankish leader to believe in what for all people.
a) land
b) education
c) religion
d) freedom

Two important farming inventions of the Middle Ages that made turning over soil faster were the horse collar and what?
a) the windmill
b) crop rotation
c) the wheeled plow
d) the village mill

Medieval knights followed rules called the code of __________________.
a) the king
b) servitude
c) the brave knight
d) chivalry

In medieval towns, the townspeople paid _________________ to the lord in exchange for basic rights.
a) wages
b) taxes
c) crops
d) homage

Because the buildings were made of wood and closely spaced, medieval cities could be easily destroyed by _________________.
a) fire
b) flood
c) earthquake
d) disease

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