Electricity Question Preview (ID: 31243)

Electricity. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What part of an atom has a neutral charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) photon

What part of an atom has a negative charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) photon

What part of an atom has a positive charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) photon

Charging an object through direct contact is:
a) induction
b) conduction
c) friction
d) radiation

Charging an object without touching it is:
a) induction
b) conduction
c) radiation
d) friction

A circuit with more than one pathway.
a) series circuit
b) pathway circuit
c) static circuit
d) parallel circuit

In a series circuit, if one light breaks, _____________.
a) the other lights stay lit
b) the other lights blow up
c) the other lights go out too
d) the other lights get brighter

In a parallel circuit, if one light burns out, the other lights________.
a) get dimmer
b) explode
c) burn out
d) stay lit

All the parts are connected in a single loop in a________circuit.
a) friction
b) pathway
c) series
d) parallel

Copper is an electrical_________.
a) insulator
b) conductor
c) resistor
d) blocker

Plastic is an electrical____________.
a) inductor
b) source
c) conductor
d) insulator

A basic circuit includes a wire pathway, an energy source, and a__________.
a) spark
b) inductor
c) load
d) force

A switch is on when the pathway is______.
a) moving
b) wide
c) closed
d) open

When electrons are moved by rubbing two objects together.
a) conduction
b) friction
c) induction
d) gapping

Insulators have a lot of____________.
a) resistance
b) conductivity
c) radiant heat
d) electron motion

A car battery is a ____cell.
a) hot
b) cold
c) dry
d) wet

Charges enter and exit a cell through the______.
a) zinc paste
b) insulator
c) electrode
d) opening

In an emergency a fuse or GFCI will_______.
a) stop charges from flowing
b) pull charges away
c) move charges faster
d) slow charges down

Current that only goes one direction.
a) ground current
b) alternating current
c) direct current
d) slow current

Current that changes directions, going back and forth in the wiring.
a) dead current
b) alternating current
c) direct current
d) ground current

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