USI.7c First Five Presidents Question Preview (ID: 31096)

First Five Presidents. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

All of the first 5 presidents were from ____ except for John Adams.
a) Virginia
b) Massachusetts
c) Washington D.C.
d) Maryland

_____ was president when the federal court system was established.
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) James Monroe

_____ was president when The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) James Monroe
d) James Madison

_____ was president when plans were initiated to put the national capital in Washington D.C.
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) James Monroe

_____ was president when a two-party system emerged.
a) John Adams
b) James Monroe
c) James Madison
d) Thomas Jefferson

_____ was president when the Louisiana Territory was purchased from France.
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) James Monroe
c) James Madison
d) John Adams

_____ was president during the War of 1812.
a) James Madison
b) James Monroe
c) George Washington
d) John Adams

James Monroe issued the ____ during his presidency.
a) Monroe Doctrine
b) Monroe Document
c) Monroe Corallary
d) Monroe Constitution

Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to _____.
a) explore the Louisiana Purchase
b) get France to sell the Louisiana territory
c) convince King George III to sign the Treaty of Paris
d) warn Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere

_____ was an African American astronomer and surveyor who helped complete the design for Washington D.C.
a) Benjamin Banneker
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Frederick Douglass
d) George Washington

_____ caused European nations to gain respect for the United States.
a) The War of 1812
b) The Monroe Doctrine
c) The Constitution
d) The Revolutionary War

The Monroe Doctrine ___.
a) caused Europe to gain respect for the US
b) was the first 10 amendments to the constitution
c) warned Europe not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere
d) was vetoed by James Madison

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