ELA GA Milestones Practice #41 Mixed Bag Question Preview (ID: 30806)
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Don't beat around the bush anymore.
a) avoid the main point
b) rake the leaves
c) repeat yourself
d) get frustrated
Let's wait until all this blows over.
a) comes apart
b) gets worse
c) exhales
d) passes
It's an enjoyable way to break the ice.
a) climb a mountain
b) relax and interact
c) chill the room
d) stop the arguing
We must never cut corners on safety.
a) be foolish
b) disagree
c) take shortcuts
d) get excited
Dan got cold feet at the last minute.
a) became brave
b) wore heavy socks
c) lost his nerve
d) stepped in a puddle
I'm totally ready to hit the hay.
a) go to bed
b) be a farmer
c) do my exercises
d) take a break
He's sick of playing second fiddle.
a) practicing country music
b) counting his blessings
c) hurrying
d) being the next best
That attitude makes them see red!
a) feel embarrassed
b) get angry
c) want to read
d) blush
Okay, it's time to throw in the towel.
a) do the laundry
b) give up
c) calm down
d) ask for seconds
That movie was really for the birds.
a) about nature
b) breezy and light
c) terrible
d) scary
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To play games using the questions from above, visit ReviewGameZone.com and enter game ID number: 30806 in the upper right hand corner or click here.
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