Sheep Diseases Question Preview (ID: 30758)
Leaving Cert Agricultural Science Sheep Diseases Quiz Game.
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Cause of Twin Lamb disease?
a) Breakdown of fat reserves in the ewes body leads to liver failure
b) Low levels of calcium
c) Bacteria infection
What are the symptoms of Twin Lamb disease?
a) Dehydration, staggers, tremors, collapse, death
b) Separates from flock, twitches, muscle spasms, death
c) Separates from flock, Staggers, tremors, collapse and death
d) Dehydration, twitches, muscle spasms, death
Treatment of Twin Lamb disease?
a) Administer energy solution (glucose)
b) Injection of calcium
c) Oral dose lambs
Which one is NOT a method of prevention of Twin Lamb disease?
a) Steaming up with concentrates as rumens size restricted
b) Growing Foetus limits the intake of hay and silage
c) Vaccinate ewes before lambing
What is another name for Orf disease?
a) Coccidiosis
b) Zoonose
c) Sheep scab
What is the cause of Orf disease?
a) Protozoa
b) Bacteria
c) Virus
Which one is NOT a symptom of Orf disease?
a) Small spots on udder/lips/gums/nose of young lambs/genitals of rams
b) Separates from flock
c) Secondary infection of lesions can occur
Which one is NOT used in the treatment of Orf?
a) No treatment for virus
b) Treat sores with antibiotic cream
c) Injection of Magnesium
How to prevent Orf disease?
a) Vaccinate ewes before lambing and vaccinate lambs at a few weeks old
b) Dip sheep
c) Put lambs on clean pasture
Another name for Milk Fever?
a) Hypomagnesaemia
b) Hypocalcaemia
c) Zoonose
Cause of Milk Fever?
a) When ewes and lambs are turned out onto lush grass low in magnesium
b) Low levels of calcium occurs in late pregnancy or early lactation
c) Protozoa (parasite found in faeces)
Which one is NOT a symptom of Milk fever?
a) Listlessness
b) Unable to stand
c) Twitching
d) Unconsciousness/Death
Treatment of Milk Fever?
a) Injection of soluble magnesium
b) Injection of calcium-borogluconate
c) Oral dose lambs
Prevention of Milk Fever?
a) Dust ewes feed with Calmag or provide mineral lick
b) Vaccinate ewes before lambing
c) A dedicated creep feed gives protection
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